Partners in Flight Eastern Working Group Meeting Next Week!

Partners in Flight Eastern Working Group Meeting Next Week!

Meeting Information

Registration for the Eastern Working Group (EWG) Virtual Meeting is free and open to everyone.  Each meeting session will be conducted via Zoom video conferencing in English with simultaneous French and Spanish language interpretation.  You can register for any or all of the four sessions by using the registration links below.  You will need to register for each session individually.  Please register by October 2nd.

Meeting Agenda

Detailed Agenda

Plenary Session

October 6th, 9-11a Eastern Time

  • Meeting Welcome
  • Partners in Flight (PIF) 30th Anniversary, Eastern Working Group introduction, and Bringing Birds Back: The Next 30 Years of Bird Conservation Starts Now!
  • Plenary Presentations
    • Partnerships, Relevancy, Diversity, and Inclusion: Expanding our Horizons for Bird Conservation – Judith Scarl, US NABCI Coordinator
    • Cross-border Forest Conservation Initiative – EJ Williams, American Bird Conservancy, Andy Crosby, Boreal Avian Modeling Project, and Darren Sleep, Sustainable Forestry Initiative
    • Impact Investing: Working Forest Fund – Bethany Olmstead, The Conservation Fund, and Goat Farming for Kirtland’s Warblers (Dave Ewert, ABC)
    • Mainstreaming Bird Conservation: The Coastal Solutions Approach – Osvel Mario Hinojosa Huerta, Director, Coastal Solutions
    • Weaving Together Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science – Ella Bowles, Mount Allison University and the University of British Columbia
  • Plenary Wrap-Up and Preview of EWG Focal Team SessionsSessions – Becky Stewart, PIF National Coordinator – Canada, CWS

EWG Science Delivery Team

October 8th, 9-11a Eastern Time

The Science Delivery Team will start their session with presentations of projects that successfully translated knowledge of bird habitat requirements to active management at landscape scales. Presentations include:

  • Golden-Winged Warbler Conservation in the Appalachian Region – Jeffry Larking, Indian University of Pennsylvania
  • Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture Grassland Restoration Incentive Program – Jim Giocomo, Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture Coordinator/ American Bird Conservancy
  • American Oystercatcher Business Plan and Recovery – Scott Johnston, US Fish & Wildlife Service

Following these presentations, attendees will break into groups to discuss how science delivery may differ among various stakeholder groups (e.g., public vs. private landowners), focused on applying lessons learned from the presentations.

EWG Data Managment Team

October 13th, 1-3p Eastern Time

The Data Management Team will start the session with an overview of the goal and objectives of the team. There will be presentations that highlight data management systems that are available in United States and Canada and how they can be used to manage data. The presentations will also demonstrate tools and visualizations that are being used to help inform conservation decisions.

Social Hour!

October 13th, 3-4p Eastern Time

Trivia and Mingling: have fun catching up with your colleagues while demonstrating your impressive knowledge of all things birds and PIF (fabulous prizes for trivia winners)

EWG Full Annual Cycle Conservation Team

October 15th, 1-3p Eastern Time

This team is working to advance and implement migratory land bird conservation across their full annual cycle, with an initial focus on non-breeding areas where threats are often greatest. This session will focus on sharing key information and strategies to help us reach this goal including presentations on implementing conservation investment strategies, integrating human health and well-being into conservation efforts, and, working to integrate bird conservation efforts with regional and local conservation priorities. Discussion will centre on gaps to be addressed, facilitating linkages to breeding ground efforts and next steps. Join us for what is sure to be an exciting session: